jeudi 17 mai 2018

Ateliers Upisketch : "Let's draw music !" // Chrypre 25-27 avril 2018

How can we draw music? With the help of Rodolphe Bourotte, we will look for the answer through the UPISketch innovative application.

The workshop, held for the first time in Cyprus, will offer children aged 6 to 12 a unique opportunity to get a firsthand look at a new music composition application for mobile devices, titled UPISketch, that does not require training! The workshop will be supplemented by the  “Iannis Xenakis’s UPIC” exhibition as a way of introducing participants to the creative relationship between art and music.  
Tablets will be given to participants during the workshop, though they can bring their own devices in case they wish to install the application. The exhibition will remain open for the public until 7:00 pm, with free admission

UPISketch materializes through the following collaborations:
European University Cyprussponsored by The Interfaces programme under the title Urban Music Boxes and Troubadourswith the support of the EU’s “Creative Europe” programme.
DRAC Normandie. 
The following libraries have been used: JUCE, PYin, KFR

Concept, Code: Rodolphe Bourotte    
Code: Sean Soraghan, Daniel Walz
Mathematical Support: Paul Lanthier
Key graphics: Louis Hyerlé
Thanks are extended to: Sharon Kanach, Evis SammoutisFotini Vaiouli, Jean-Louis Villeval / Copyright (c) 2017 Centre Iannis Xenakis

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